Wednesday 22 August 2007

Khoodeelaar! updates on the Crossrail hole lies of Ken Livingtsone - here during Wednesday 22 August 2007

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The 5th edition of the AADHIKAR Media Foundation London UK at 1110 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 22 August2007

AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot against the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 area
The remainder of the publishing programme as at 1110 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 22 August2007

Brief legal disclaimer by AADHIKARonline publishing on the Internet in association with Khoodeelaar! "No to Crossrail hole plot scam scheme Bill" Campaign

Accessibility to AADHIKARonline published in association with AADHIKAR, CBRUK and KHOODEELAAR
is being changed over the next few days. So far we have posted items that are directly displayed on this site. From now [this week] on, we shall be increasing the number of links. It should be noted by all visitors that while we may support access to linked items, responsibility for the contents, the legality, the veracity or the other aspects of the external sites are not to be assumed to be associated with or originating from or ascribable to the AADHIKAR Media Foundation. We are aiming to keep accessing this site mainly as the index or the contents ‘page’. This will be subject of course to any emergency or unavoidable item or occasion when we may publish the first edition of a breaking item here before publishing it elsewhere. As always, the contents of the AADHIKARonline publishing programme are also published on at least another 10 sites during any given week. Print versions are, for now, available only to subscribers. The online AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATION items shall be accessible by subject/topic. THIS announcement will be displayed here for a few more days only.
AADHIKAR Media Foundation publishing online in association with Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area campaign against Crossrail hole Bill
[that is, the KHOODEELAAR! campaign against ‘the ‘Crossrail Bill’ now in the UK House of Commons]
The remainder of the publishing programme as at 1110 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 22 August2007
Khoodeelaar! The ‘No to Crossrail hole plot against the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 area’ campaign
Khoodeelaar! Supporting documents against Crossrail hole plot on the East End.
Those documents will include the following topics
Koodeelaar! demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London E14 2BG – an hour before the next session of the full Council meeting, due be held during the first fortnight in September 2007 – More details on that demonstration, on this and on associated web sites, shortly
Evidence of the damage that Crossrail hole plot will cause to the East End of London – an updated summary from Khoodeelaar!
Arguments against Tower Hamlets Council’s role in inviting Crossrail hole attacks on the East End of London
Evidence showing that Tower Hamlets Council’s propaganda that ‘CrossRail will bring benefits to the East End’ has been a lie from start to finish
Khoodeelaar! Demand to Tower Hamlets Council to pass an unambiguous motion at full council saying a clear NO to Crossrail hole Bill
The main points against Crossrail as made by ‘local MP’ Oona King before she was ousted, as Khoodeelaar! Had had warned her she would be
The main points made against Crossrail by ‘local MP’ George Galloway who got elected [in May 2005, replacing Oona King] partly as a result of the impact in the East End constituency of the campaign against Crossrail hole onslaught that Khoodeelaar! Has organized during the previous year and four months -
The main points about ‘local MP’ George Galloway’s silence on Crossrail since he last spoke in Parliament in June 2006
The role played by Michael Keith in inviting CrossRail hole attacks on the community in the period 2003 – 3 May 2006
Breaking campaign news
We expose the idiocies of the ‘editorial’ ‘thinking’ on the ‘Tower Hamlets Recorder’ which has carried a longer piece than their web site contained [dated 17 August 2007], promoting the latest CrossRail hole plotter’s lies against the East End of London

From the previous editions of AADHIKAROnline
When Ken Lyingstill Livingstone trumpeted the then latest vote-catching lie by saying that he was scrapping the West London tram project as a ‘money saving’ move because, he boasted, the Crossrail plot would get the go ahead and thus obviate the need for having to construct a tram line in West London, he knew that he was lying again. But he also knew that the ‘local papers’ in West London would be just idiotic and ignorant as the Newham recorder group and the East London Idiotiser were. For these two ‘local papers’ in the Tower Hamlets area, have habitually ignorant and lying decision-makers who lie against the community and let the lying CrossRail hole pot-pluggers get undue plugs in their ‘papers’ for CrossRail hole attacks plan. Tomorrow, Wednesday 22 August 2007, the Newham Recorder group is expected [at the time of writing this AADHIKARonline piece at 0050 Hrs GMT 21 August 2007] to give the lying 'Undone mayor' Livingstone yet another boost for no reason at a. The Recorder’s Xrail hole-backer lying piece is expected to be by-lined to Pat Coughtrey, a most ignorant ‘journalist’ if ever there was one. He is likely in the coming weeks to be repeated in content and line in the EAST London Idiotiser.. Both the Idiotiser and the ‘Tower Hamlets Recorder’ [which is manufactured as an insult piece by the Newham Recorder group in east London] have been part of a deal whereby they will plug CrossRail from now on and will continue to suppress the news and information that the KHOODEELAAR! movement has been generating and originating. Just how appropriate and time the KHOODEELAAR exposé of the crassly conceived CrossRail Bill has been and continues to be, has been vindicated once again in a letter on a West London newspaper web site written by the well known residents campaigner for Mayfair. She wrote shortly after Muhammad Haque’s analysis against Crossrail appeared on the same web site CLICK HERE to view the Mayfair residents action group AGAINST Crossrail comments that echo KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole ANALYSIS
Khoodeelaar! formal text of the demand - continuing the same demand in principle that was formally presented by a Weavers ward [that contains part of Brick Lane itself] Councillor, Louise Alexander, on 1 March 2006. Why did the controlling clique lie on that occasion to divert attention from the motion as included in the agenda for business at the full Council meeting on Wednesday 1 March 2006? – a retrospect and a forward motion for the next full council meeting due to be held in September 2007 – More here soon
What had George Galloway said on that day at the Khoodeelaar! Demonstration outside Mulberry Place against Crossrail hole collusion by Tower Hamlets Council?
And what had
So do the ethnicity-linked ‘Bangla media’ colluders with the corrupting policies of the Crossrail hole-backer ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone really believe that they shall be allowed indefinitely to carry on betraying the community in whose name they ‘trade’? We begin another examination of the role being played by these ‘ethnicity inked’ servility-creating ‘media – starting at 2300 Hrs GMT on Monday 20 August 2007
Khoodeelaar! Updating on the Khoodeelaar! Questions that George Galloway has not answered – why has George Galloway been silent in relation to the Khoodeelaar! Questions about Crossrail? In the time – from 20 June 2006 to 20 August 2007 more than 13 months now – that we have been asking George Galloway to constitutionally, evidentially and democratically justify his silence in the House of Commons on the Crossrail hole Bill, he has been speaking on other issues, most of those that he has been speaking about have been OUTSIDE of the Bethnal green and Bow Constituency.- the latest Khoodeelaar! analysis of George Galloway’s role in relation to Crossrail hole attacks , due here son
The following item has now been updated. The Khoodeelaar! Campaign can confirm that in view of the statement made to the Khoodeelaar! campaign organiser today, Monday 20 August 2007, by one of the controlling clique councillors, the Khoodeelaar! Campaign will not accept the suggestion that an internal bureaucratic arrangement will solve the Council’s problems on CrossRail. The Khoodeelaar campaign is therefore reiterating today that the Council – that is the controlling clique on the Tower Hamlets Council – do pass the Motion saying No to CrossRail hole at the next full Council meeting. – More on this demand together with the texts of our letter to Denise Jones, here shortly
[Breaking news on 19 August 2007] Khoodeelaar! has been promised that certain member of the ruling clique on Tower Hamlets Council is making arrangements so that the Council’s collusion in backing the Crossrail hole plot can be ‘examined’ by the Council as a way to disengage the council from the collaboration with Crossrail hole plotters that has been going on for years now – a special report here as soon as we have confirmed all the key aspects of this information
Aadhikaronline observing the ‘victory’ ‘party’ in Chapman Street in the Shadwell ward – first of a series of reports here shortly, beginning with a report about another declaration by ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’ MP G Galloway about his challenge to Gordon Brown over which party would win the two seats of Bethnal Green and Bow and Poplar and Limehouse
Shadwell ward by election ‘victory’ party [2]
When the request comes to photograph a man standing next to George Galloway and evidently keen to be photographed in that configuration, should there be a statement about the reason for the keenness to be photographed? What Aadhikaronline observed in Shadwell today [Sunday 19 August 2007] included the fact that the self-introduced subject of the photographic record turned out to be a ‘professional’ whose details [abbreviated] are printed on as many as SIX lines on a business card and three lines on a business leaflet! The man as said that he was from ‘Southwark Respect’ – More here in the next few hours
Khoodeelaar! has been setting out the evidence showing that the Crossrail hole attack on the East End of London was not necessary for addressing the transport needs of London – some of those documentary evidence will be accessible from here, soon
Khoodeelaar! Has been arguing for the community’s opposition to the Crossrail hole pot to be put to the House of Commons in light of the evidence that Khoodeelaar! Has been unearthing and bringing out of the unconstitutional, and the prejudiced attitude, behaviour by all the key lobbies, promoters, spin-meisters for the crass project and by the ‘Crossrail Bill’ ‘select committee’ of Mps in the UK House of Commons – we update n the failures of ALL MPs to pay attention to the serious unconstitutionality that we have been drawing attention to since June 2006 – coming in his and on related web sites soon
Khoodeelaar! Has been arguing, now for 43 months, that the role of the ‘local council’, Tower Hamlets, has been untenable, that individual crassly motivated and ignorant ‘councillors’ who make up the controlling clique on the same Council, have been letting the East End of London down by their ignorance, by the ingrained ignorance and by their lack of ability to recognise that their own ‘careers’, their pathetic careers as ‘members of the ruling group’ on Tower Hamlets Council may come to an abrupt end thus exposing the to the contempt of the community whose rights they [these pathetic little careerists] failed to uphold as against the onslaught of the grabbing, grafting and the wholesale takeover of the East End by Big Business operating through local touts who have been betraying the local community – we show some of the very detailed reasonable and local advice, demand and reminders that the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail hole plot has been making in relation to what the Tower Hamlets Council should have done: Say No to Crossrail hole Bill -
There have been two distinct and heavily promoted ‘issues’ that the ‘local paper’ the ‘East London Idiotiser’ has given over the top promotion to – the alleged role played by the Idiotiser in the ‘breaking of the news’ [a total and an utter lie] relating to the UK Bangladeshis being robbed via 'First Solution'
Khoodeelaar! Demands for Tower Hamlets Council to end all contact with the promoters, backers, agents of the Crossrail hole plot- the evidence from February 2004 to August 2007 –key documents to be accessible again via this web site and via related web sites and pages
Breaking news from the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail ‘hole plot scheme scam’ Bill CAMPAIGN
Legal updates
Khoodeelaar! Action against Crossrail hole attacks on the Whitechapel station area- new feature, to be accessible from here, scheduled to start on Monday 20 August 2007

From the previous editions of Aadhikaronline
coming on this and on associated AADHIKAROnline news and commentary sites during the next 72 hours and after that
Shadwell ward by election in the ‘inner city/ deprived’ East London borough of Tower Hamlets Council – continuing the original AADHIKAROnline investigation as part of the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail – we show how Michael Keith, the over-promoted ‘heavyweight’ [the word 'heavyweight' is not appropriate but the idiotic 'East London Idiotiser' has described Keith as a heavyweight and we shall be examining both the Idiotiser and Keith in context] was mainly defeated by the community’s revulsion against the openly corrupt policies being pursued by the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council. The clique that Michael Keith had been party to forming on the Tower Hamlets Council by removing whatever traces of sub-democratic tendencies there had existed before. We also show that far from being a ‘secularist’, Michael Keith is, has been in fact a religious fundamentalist whose ideas are not only similar in significant parts to those ideas backed and promoted by many of the officially described racist parties and movements in the West [including in Western Europe and in the USA and Canada], he is in fact a personal believer in racism. He has NEVER been against racism. His own words are proof of this and we shall review some of the words in praise of racism that Michael Keith has been uttering, promoting and selling, quite literally! We show how Michael Keith has abused [and has been abusing] his position on Tower Hamlets Council and how he has persistently blocked any attempts to democratise the already diminishing, the almost disappeared, sunk, vanished 'democratic' structure of the elected council and how he has taken an overly zealous interest in shaping the structure of the Council’s senior post holders who have turned the Council into the wasteland for local peoples say and made Tower Hamlets Council in key parts and in key roles into the junkyard for the anti-social, anti-community, tribalising policies of lifeless, soulless bureaucracy controlled by unaccountable time-servers strewn across what is most misleadingly called 'Whitehall'!.
We also show how brazenly confident Michael Keith had been about his being beyond accountability as far his influence on the Tower Hamlets Council was [should it be 'still is'?] concerned. The question is [and has been]: what ‘magic’ wand did he possess that sent all the other ‘elected councillors’ on the former Labour Party ['controlling the Tower Hamlets Council'] side [now totally Blaired] to such prolonged slumber? – Coming on AADHIKAROnline web sites in the near future
Why had Carole Swords poured water on a ‘sitting’ Tower Hamlets Blaired councillor?
And why exactly is Johanna Kaschke ‘back’ in the former Labour Party in Tower Hamlets? Does Johanna Kaschke support the Blaired Party in Tower Hamlets that backs the CrossRail hole attack on the East End ?
Breaking news and No to Crossrail hole legal and constitutional law and movement updates

From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline
AADHIKARonline publishing in support of Khoodeelaar! No to London CrossRail hole plot Bill
Khaleej Times! Carrying a Reuters news conglomerate news item about Utah, USA! And here, in London’s East End, straight from the very heart of the area targeted by Crossrail hole plotters! We are NOT saying that a Utah, USA-type catastrophe may occur in the middle of Princelet Street and Hanbury Street if the Crossrail hole plotters get their wanton, anti-social licence to attack this part of the East End. What we ARE saying is that the condition of the ground, the soil and the general stability or instability of this part of the East End is not predictable in the event of the digging of a hole the size of the Crossrail hole. We ARE saying that the CRASSrail plan is flawed because of the refusal on the part of the CROSSRAIL hole plot-promoters to even consider the possibility of a purely ground and soil-linked catastrophe happening in the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 area as well. We here publish a news item created by REUTERS about the Utah disaster… View the item HERE

UK Bangladeshis’ Action Committee update at 2000 Hrs GMT London Friday 17.08.2007 re ‘First Solution’ and the significant lack of movements and responses at and on behalf of the Bangladesh High Commission in London View the update by clicking HERE
CRASH of Thursday 16 August 2007 that saw at least £60 Billion washed off the City of London mega capitalistic corruption confectioners – Why that shows that the City of London interest lie big time and when they lie for Crossrail they lie in sums of £Billions that they want to rob from ordinary people – More on the CRASH of August 2007 -
After the [Tower Hamlets Council, in the Shadwell ward London E1 UK] Shadwell ward by-election held on 9 August 2007 – 10
AADHIKARonline continuing the investigation into why the Blairing faction candidate [disguised as the ‘Labour Party’ candidate] was deserted by most self-respecting members of the local party. As one member confirmed to AADHIKARonline this week, the ‘Shadwell party’ [=former ‘Labour Party’] was in the main not backing the ‘imposed’ Blairing candidate at the 9 August 2007 by-election [caused by the resignation as councillor, of Shamim Choudhury who had got elected on 4 May 2006]. Just why had the ‘Greater London’ outfit assuming control of what used to be the Labour Party, ‘think’ that by imposing Michael Keith they were making the local people feel properly represented. ….
We examine both these aspects of the illogicality that predominates the Blairing remainder of the corrupting bureaucracy that is festering across inner city areas in Britain with significant 'electorates' ['communities' in constituencies, local, regional and UK] made up of European, Asian and African peoples
Why Crossrail hole plot-backer ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Lyingstill Livingstone is a double liar for resorting to stunts [his career has been a wasteful and telling list of lying stunts] to grab a [what he on this occasion mistakenly has assumed to be a ‘guaranteed way for him to gain much needed ‘ethnicity-linked’ credibility - after he found that the Polly Toynbee-aided and Doreen Lawrence-catapulted one backfired n him pretty quickly!] at the expense of the UK Bangladeshis whose identity, whose human rights and whose claims to democratic accountable representation Livingstone has violated again by immorally posing with a reflected Kon-nick-shown – More here soon
Khoodeelaar! Ultimatum to the Crossrail hole-plot-backer controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council – latest texts, here, shortly
Updates from the UK Bangladeshis’ Action Committee to get the People Their Money back – Why has the London-based bureaucracy of the Bangladesh High Commission been behaving just like the ‘mission that would be loyal to any of the corrupt regimes in Bangladesh’ over the theft and the misappropriation and the breach of trust of the B UK Bangladeshis’ money by the perpetrators who had operated under a tool called ‘First Solution’? We carry information that shows that the perpetrators may indeed be being aided and abetted by elements within the London diplomatic mission of the regime in control in Bangladesh today
Why Mr George Galloway may have expressed far too premature a boast about beating the Blaring time-server Jim F.Patrick at the next [ordinary] general election whenever it may be called – We exclusively show that Mr Galloway is ill-advised to be thinking that the people in his ‘present’ ‘constituency’ of ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’ are even less intelligent than he thought they were when he spoke on 19 July 2035 and described his status as the constituency MP as a ‘detour’- Where or what exactly is Mr George Galloway’s proper , perhaps in his terms, 'normal' destination, in political terms? The fact that he has spoken of the constituency more with patronizing detachment, even indifference and democratic unfamiliarity than with any humility that he was able to claim to represent this constituency, tells us a great deal about why the people alone make the difference as to what is done by seekers and holders of office in the name of the people – More here at the weekend…
Do the agenda setters of the formal publicity-based ‘organisation’ of Mr G Galloway’s ‘party’ have perhaps far too much respect – and even admiration – for the liar ken Livingstone? Is this why they have not issued a single challenge to the lair now in the office of mayor in the name of London? Is this why some of them make very odd excuses to avoid answering questions about the corruptor of London, Ken Livingstone? Even on issues like why the corrupter is backing the CrossRail hole plot against the East End of London, falsely and inaccurately described by the ill-connected ‘East London Idiotiser’ as Mr Galloway’s and his ‘party’s ‘power base’?
Breaking KHOODEELAAR! campaign against Crossrail hole plot and legal action programme news and commentary


From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline
the KHOODEELAAR! constitutional law analysis of the flawed Crossrail hole Bill, as devised, detailed and demonstrated from the first campaign meeting held in the Hanbury Street/Deal Street London E1 against Crossrail hole threat against the East End to the this week – we show how abusive of the office of ‘mayor of London ‘ the CRASSrail – hole imposer Ken Livingstone has been
Does the Ken Livingstone Crossrail hole plot threaten any ‘ethnic’ people? Does it harm and threaten any ‘multi-cultural’ aspect of the London population? And has Doreen Lawrence been ‘examining’ the contents, the contempt that are contained in the CrossRail hole plot against the East End of London
AADHIKARonline marks the vindication, again. Of our analysis, published here within hours of the lying Guardian putting on its front-page the criminalising, fabrication that the grieving black parent Doreen Lawrence was speaking spontaneously against Boris Johnson rather than as part of the corrupt Ken Livingstone ethnicity-bandwagon mobilised to mount an attack n the Tory Boris Johnson --- A week after we exposed the lying Ken con-nection [ operated by Livingstone via the ‘Undone mayor-linked lying ‘advisory’ sub-bureaucracy tasked to continue the racist imbalance of power and untruthfulness] this time by trapping the gullibility and the vulnerability of the tragic grieving mother Doreen Lawrence, the racists on London Crossrail hole-plot-backing Evening ‘no standards’ Standard ‘discover’ that indeed, the lying still has been abusing his position [the 'EVENING STANDARD' don’t say it in quite these words] and that the sudden display of identifiable ethnicity-linked placemen and place women doing their assigned tasks as perpetrators propagating for the corruptor KEN have been funded via the ‘Greater Lyingstill Arch-liars’ after all! – More here soon [GLA] …
Breaking news and comments on the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot


From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline
Who has been aiding and abetting the perpetrators that stole, misappropriated the money of the remitting Bangladeshis via ’First Solution’? Who is making fools of the people whose money has been stolen? The ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPLE THEIR MONEY BACK notifies ‘Bangla language’ ‘news’ titles [Wednesday 15 August 2007] of impending legal action and these titles’ being jointly used with the perpetrators who have misappropriated, stolen, hidden [plus] the money via ‘First Solution’
What did the Shadwell ward council by-election canvassing and behaviour display of the most definite and the foreseeable ‘alignments’ at the ‘general elections’ whenever that may be called under ‘normal conditions’ in the UK? – The Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary here shortly


From the previous editions of AADHIKAROnline
CRASSrail hole plotter Ken Livingstone’s lies exposed AGAIN! This time, the lies are Livingstone’s con-trick claim about ‘his giving exemption’ to C-charge for smaller vehicles! Livingstone’s lie on this occasion is that he is again abusing his powers because the ‘ concession’ is too close to his new bid to remain mayor forever. 'London mayor' for eve! That bid will be tested in May 2008 according to currently 'confirmed' election dates plans. He will thus be able to claim that he REDUCED C charge! This will not really exempt the most heavy-duty C-charge payers… [More on Cont-trick Livingston’s confidence tricks and lies] –
Why the ‘East London Idiotiser’ scheduled to be published on Monday 20 August 2007 will contain as the main impact and presentation nothing but trash and will divert away from the real problems, needs and demands- that affect ordinary people in the East End and why it will again promote fabrication, diversion, titillation, sleaze and racism – we examine the Idiotiser’s corrupting ‘coverage’ of the past four years when the KHOODEELAAR! campaign has published more materials about the CrossRail hole threat itself and also about the simultaneous and the relevant betrayal of the people of the East End that has been shown in the conduct - misconduct- of the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council in that time without any acknowledgement of those by the East London Idiotiser. The Idiotiser has been in fact parsing the very crooks that we have exposed as having been involved in letting down the community across the East End of London - – starting here shortly
Why Michael Keith was so disliked by the community in Shadwell – an analysis of the ‘Shadwell ward by-election’ held on Thursday 9 August 2007
Why did Tower Hamlets Council’s controlling clique ‘leader’ Denise Jones back those who wanted to oust a Bangladeshi woman councillor? And what evidence did ‘Cllr’ Denise Jones show of her 'caring, solidarity and opposition to today’s racism’?
George Galloway’s ‘Respect’ group has the real challenge now – to show that it has even the willingness to behave as a really active opposition group on Tower Hamlets Council. And why they should not follow the tabloid guidance from a trashy tabloid ‘newspaper’. The task that Harun Miah and his ‘colleagues’ as OPPOSITION councillors must carry out, will not be discharged by their appearing in photos and posing for photos that really do not address the issues that affect the lives of the ‘deprived’ community
Khoodeelaar! Breaking news and campaign and legal action programme items, files and reports


AADHIKARonline previous editions

Contents of the new and updater CAMPAIGNING items due to appear here on Tuesday14 August 2007, include these :-
KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole-inviter Councillors – direct campaign in the wards of ALL councillors who are backing the Tower Hamlets Council's role for Crossrail hole plot. The campaign is starting this week with an appeal to the people in the ward now ‘containing’ by Denise Jones – More on this action against CrossRail hole-inviting controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council, here soon
What has the CRASSRAILK hole-plot-peddler ‘Undone mayor’ LIAR Ken Livingstone to say about the Financial crash now? Is this crash a ‘world class crash’ or not? If it is, does it still ‘prove’ that all the ‘world class financial crashes’ of capitalism and Big Business can be ‘solved’ by CROSSRAIL? The panacea that Livingstone has been peddling the London Crossrail to be ?
Who planted that latest plug for Crossrail in the ‘East London Idiotiser’? – We investigate and find that the Idiotiser publishes stuff just to fill space sometimes. And we reveal how the ‘East London Idiotiser’ has been
Khoodeelaar! tells the CrossRail hole plot-inviter controlling clique on 'Tower Hamlets Council' to SAY NO to CROSSRAIL hole Bill NOW! - Updated texts here during Tuesday 14 August 2007
’First Solution’ –updates and breaking comments - In June 2007, - during the last 10 days of June 2007 to be precise, the independent Committee for Bangladeshis’ Rights in the UK [=CBRUK] became aware of the soon-to-be-public scandal of the theft of the UK Bangladeshis’ money via ‘First Solution’. CBRUK also became aware that the ‘First Solution’ issue had been brought to the attention of the ‘local MP’ in Bethnal Green and Bow by people both living in the constituency and by others who assumed that getting the support of the MP concerned would be positive… CBRUK is a highly constitutional law abiding organisation. So it was decided that CBRUK would allow the ‘due process’ of the MP doing their job take priority. CBRUK did not issue any statement, CBRUK did not make any public comment. With only one exception. CBRUK gave a contextual and timely background briefing to the ‘local paper’ the ‘East London Advertiser’. The key point of that contextual briefing was that the original perpetrators who had been ribbing the UK Bangladeshis via ‘First Solution’ included at least one offender who had been abusing the generosity of the UK Bangladeshis for more than 20 years and that if his traceable perpetrations were identified then the victims would be significantly helped…. That was a briefing, which was given BEFORE the first Sunday of July 2007 when hundreds of people gathered in Brick Lane……. What was said to them on that occasion and what the people said, have not been reported adequately. They most certainly have not been reported accurately. AADHIKAROnline has compiled the report as based on the evidence gathered during June and July and up to today, Monday 13 August 2007. So far AADHIKARonline has reported on the events of that Sunday so far in very brief items. From now on, we shall be publishing the full range of the facts that will show that the ‘local MP’ George Galloway was systemically taken off the main target and that his ‘role’ was manipulated in a way that meant that the crooks have got away. Before going into the secondary fraudsters who manipulated George Galloway AWAY from the main perpetrations and before showing how he was manipulated and how the stunt staged in the House of Commons in the middle of July suited the crooks and their mates significantly, we are carrying the latest update on the matter as compiled by the CBRUK-initiated ACION CMITTEE TYO GET THE PEOPLE THEIOR MONEY BACK [TO be continued] Click here to view the latest update by the 'ACTION COMMITTEE TO GET THE PEOPLE HEIR MONEY BACK' written and posted around 1500 Hrs GMT on Monday 13 August 2007

Action Committee to Get the people their money back - Exclusive report on how the SECONDARY CROOKS and fraudsters have been aiding and abetting the primary perpetrators of the robbery of the UK Bangladeshis' money via 'First Solution' - here soon
AADHIKARonline continuing the reports and analyses on the Shadwell ward by-election to Tower Hamlets Council, held on Thursday 9 August 2007. The results were announced of that by-election in the early hours of Friday 10 August 2007. Mr G Galloway chose that day to announce his candidature...View HERE Muhammad Haque commentary as the first response to George Galloway’s announcement of candidature against Jim Fitzpatrick

Carole Swords:

By Muhammad Haque 1520 Hrs GMT London Sunday 12 August 2007

The Khoodeelaartv recorded an interview with Carole Swords at about 1530 local time[1430 GMT] on Thursday 9 August 2007.

Ten minutes later, Carole was inside a police van, being hauled away, screaming of pain and saying that the police were ‘breaking’ her arm!

The ‘reason’ for Carole’s arrest remains an unknown mystery to me as I write this in the afternoon on Sunday 12 August 2007. I shall examine any ‘reason’ that I may come across as having been genuinely issued by the Metropolitan Police.

The interview on Thursday 9 August 2007 was conducted as part of a programme to broadcast the Khoodeelaar! Campaign news and features on the internet, a plan that had been in preparation for two years or so. The choice of Carole Swords as one of the first subjects of the interview was easily made. How?


Carole Swords has been present at many of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign events for more than a year now and she has spoken against the Crossrail hole plot against the East End at least since February 2006.
She announced herself and her campaigning availability to the Khoodeelaar! Campaign on Saturday 11 February 2006 at the end of my speech given on the CRASSRAIL hole attacks, at a meeting that was held on the subject of the CROSSRAIL hole attacks on the East End, under the auspices of the ‘local MP’ George Galloway [acting as the de facto leader of the ‘RESPECT’ organisation] at the Brady Centre. The Brady Centre is in the Hanbury Street, which street is the main target of the Crossrail hole plot.
That meeting was held in the run up to the then scheduled Council elections [4 May 2006].

At that time, George Galloway’s political grouping had only one councillor on Tower Hamlets Council [Oliur Rahman, who got elected at a by-election in St Dustan’s in Stepney during 2035]. So the meeting against CrossRail hole Bill was held on 11 February 2006 at the Brady Centre very much in an atmosphere of intense hostility to the Crossrail hole and in the context of the awareness made possible by Khoodeelaar!

That it was - and remains - the local Council that had been [and is] to blame for the Crossrail hole attack on the community.

I spoke at length about the Council’s role in inviting the Crossrail hole threat to the East End. I produced a sample of documentary and chronological evidence showing the then ‘leader’ of Tower Hamlets Council [one Michael Keith!] as the centrally involved individual representing the corrupt clique controlling Tower Hamlets Council, who had played a persistent and demonstrable roles on the facts to bring the Crossrail hole problems upon the ordinary people and community in the East End of London.
In particular I read extracts from a doubly-false publication perpetrated upon the public generally and upon the ordinary ‘readers’ in particular of the poisonously pro-Crossrail hole-backing London EVENING ‘no standards’ STANDARD in June 2003. I showed that Michael Keith had been a key promoter of that pro-CrossRail hole plot lie peddled by the monopoly London newspaper the five-days-a-week liar the EVENING ‘Standard’.
I also shared a number of linguistic devices that I had devised as part of the campaigns that I had been involved in.
I had just sat down after speaking when I noticed the now familiar figure of Carole Swords approach me and pass a piece of paper with her name and telephone number.
We have shared space and loudhailer in demonstrations against Crossrail ever since then. Except one occasion in December 2006 when she had to explain her absence from the demo as she was ‘officiating’ for a Borough-wide outfit called Compact [on which we shall comment in a later piece to be run by AADHIKARonline].

Carole Swords has been ‘in the news’ mainly as an active opponent of Tower Hamlets Council and the Blairing UK Central Government’s attacks on public sector housing provisions.
What is inadequately and misleadingly called ‘Council housing’ is in fact the long fought for public provision of housing via locally democratically controlled representatives and mechanisms put in place in the last part of the last European year [AD 2006] in recognition of the exercise of the right to decent housing and democratic control of housing provision.
In Tower Hamlets, Carole Swords has been engaged in a long running battle to defend the values of public sector housing. On the evidence available, Carole Swords prominence in the battle as the identifiable face of the campaign against Council housing destruction is to do with the fact that the possibility of ‘other prominent campaigners’ coming up and joining Carole has been significantly undermined by the operation of the very corruption in Tower Hamlets that has so far allowed the destruction of public or democratic say on the borough’s housing…
The corruption against which Carole Swords spoke to Khoodeelaartv when she was interviewed in the Bigland Street outside the Bigland Street primary school in Shadwell in the afternoon on Thursday 9 August 2007. The values also entail those that relate to the provision of schooling and hopefully of a bridge to attaining education via what is known as the comprehensive schooling system, until now, controlled by local Councils each operating as ‘the Local Education Authority’ or ‘LEA’.
There are recognised paradoxes in both Council housing and in the Comprehensive schooling systems. Both are in need of serious overall and improvement…
[to Be continued]

From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline as published up to 1415 Hrs GMT Sunday 12 August 2007
The remainder of the interview with Carole Swords who spoke to Khoodeeaartv 10 minutes before being arrested by the London Metropolitan Police at a voting centre for the Shadwell ward [East London borough of Tower Hamlets] council by-election on Thursday 9 August 2007 – here in the next 4 hours
What will ‘new councillor’ Harun Miah DO to oppose Crossrail hole collusion by Tower Hamlets Council?
Has ‘local MP’ for Bethnal Green and Bow, George Galloway been diverted away from the main focus in relation to the UK Bangladeshis’ money stolen via “First Solution”? If he hasn’t been then why has Galloway been painted – and there have been no protests from his ‘assistant’ Rob Hoveman in public so far – as another ‘figure’ willing to ‘share’ the ‘limelight' or the ‘media mentions’ as a ‘positive colleague’ of ‘ministers’ and lackeys of the Blairing UK state administration that Gordon Brown is currently fronting ? Does George Galloway actually read the RACIST ‘East London Idiotiser’? If he does, then does he agree with the brazenly untrue and untruthfully flaunted ‘news’ ‘line’ contained in the ‘coverage’ [of the perpetrations via “’First Solution”] by the RACIST ‘East London Idiotiser’ that the people [the utter majority of whom are UK Bangladeshis] who have been robbed of their money via ‘First Solution’ are in need of being treated as if they were ‘begging’ for ‘alms’? If George Galloway does not agree with this then why has there been such persistent silence from his ‘assistant’ Rob Hoveman who appears to be in closer contact with the RACIST East London Idiotiser than he should be if Galloway’s otherwise stated stance ‘against racism’ and against ‘media bias’ and against corruption were to be taken seriously in the context of the East End of London? Does George Galloway approve of the RACIST ‘ East London Idiotiser’ playing the corrupting, racist, pro-racist role of backing the crooks while suppressing the facts, the information and the evidence that would if published back the universally undeniable human rights the people who have been robbed via ‘First Solution’ and show that the corrupting theme so far evident in the ‘news’ ‘coverage’ of the ‘East London Idiotiser’ were seen IN TIME and ON TE and before it was too ate for what it was, a sham and a dangerously irresponsible incompetence which cannot be justified given the availability of the impeccably truthful infraction, insights and references that the community has made available to the ‘East London Idiotiser’ over the past 6 weeks which the ‘East London Idiotiser’ has persistently RACISTLY suppressed? Does George Galloway as 'the local MP for Bethnal Green and Bow' agree with the main codes of conduct that is currently in place for the National Union of Journalists' [=NUJ] members to comply with? Does George Galloway agree with the published codes of conduct as currently in place for implementation by the ‘Press Complaints Commission’ in London? Does George Galloway
[to be continued]

From the previous editions of AADHIKARonline
George Galloway, still the ‘local MP for Bethnal Green and Bow which contains the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 that is the target of severe and long term [but unnecessary] attacks by Crossrail. The ‘local MP’ has raised in the formal House of Commons several minor issues in the context of the overall trend and tendencies . He has even raised issues that do not concern the current constituency. But he has not raised the matter of the CrossRail hole. True he has spoken against the Crossrail Bill. But the last time that he did any noticeable speaking - which we very extensively [and as it turns out, and as is the factual case often in this context, exclusively] reported and commented on at the time, was in June last year. More than 13 months ago now. In the 13 months that have passed since Mr Galloway last spoke against the Crossrail hole still planned to be dug on a spot near the centre of the Brick Lane, he has appeared to give priority to items and events that do not have the tangible, the direct relevance to the constituency as the CrossRail hole plot against the East End of London does.
[To be continued]

Shadwell ward by-election to the CrossRail hole plot-inviting Tower Hamlets Council – Part 8 is due here shortly with extracts from the interview Carole Swords had given to Khoodeelaar minutes before being arrested by the London Metropolitan Police outside the Bigland Street, London E1 [UK] primary school polling [=voting] station for the Shadwell ward council by election being held that day, at 3.40 PM [1440 Hrs GMT Thursday 9 August 2007]
What prostitute media spin meister would relish 'British MP' George Galloway’s announcement reported by the 'British mainstream media' in the afternoon of Friday 10 August 2007 – and the published ‘reasons’ for it - that he is going to challenge the Blairing time-server [and Galloway’s ‘fellow-Scot’, according to the puffs already appearing in the ‘mainstream’ UK political [!] pimping 'news and propaganda outlets' so eager to promote a political diversion – on which more later] Jim F.patrick in Poplar and Limehouse [the 'UK Parliamentary seat next to Galloway’s current seat] at the next UK general election?
The Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary, due on this and associated web sites next. focuses on ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’ Constituency MP George Galloway’s shifting announcements about what he will or will not do next in relation to the UK House of Commons -
Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area 'No to Crossrail hole plot' campaign organiser Muhammad Haque rebuts [11 August 2007] the latest assertion of CRASSRAIL hole plotter lie by Ken Livingstone in the context of the West London tram

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole attacks on the East End of London rebuttal to Ken CROSSRAIL hole plot-backer Livingstone
The response comes following the latest publication, in a West and North London based web site, of a retailed assertion by Ken Livingstone of the lie that CrossRail in effect., is the panacea. We reproduce the ‘news’ item as published by the website and then the Muhammad Haque response [quoted at the end as also published as a comment on the same web site this morning] “
Part of the This Is Local London Network London Roundup < The plans to support CrossRail, due to be completed in 2015 with stations in Southall, Hanwell, West Ealing, Ealing Broadway and Acton have also been welcomed by Labour councillors and MPs.
MP for Ealing, Acton and Shepherd's Bush Andrew Slaughter said: "I have thought for years that the tram would never go ahead - it was simply too expensive and too ambitious a project. "All the time it remained a possibility it caused great anxiety to residents and businesses who saw their quality of life or livelihood at risk and prevented other solutions being looked at as all the energy was put into pro or anti-tram campaigns." Richard Barnes, the Conservative representative in the Greater London Assembly, slammed the Mayor saying: "The whole sorry tale of the West London Tram has been one of arrogance and a waste of money from the start.
"He admitted recently that this year will see total spending on the proposed tram scheme jump to £38million from £29million last year. His squandering of taxpayers' money knows no bounds. "Mr Livingstone is looking for a way out of the mess he's got himself into over the tram: if he gets CrossRail he can say he's pulled a rabbit out of the hat.
"If CrossRail doesn't go ahead and the West London Tram is brought back off the shelf then he can say he was forced into it by the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown."
In a statement Mr Livingstone said: "A positive decision on CrossRail will mean that substantially improved bus services become a practical alternative to a tram along the Uxbridge Road to meet the need for more public transport, boost the local economy and to deal with rising congestion in the area. "I am pleased that we have reached an agreement with Ealing Council to work together along these lines to deliver the best solution for people in this part of west London." 1:51am Friday 10th August 2007

Posted by: Muhammad Haque, Tower Hamlets London UK on 12:26pm today
By©Muhammad Haque
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill
The campaign against Crossrail hole Bill and in defence of the Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Stepney London n E1 Area
1125 Hrs GMT
Saturday 11 August 2007

“The claim that 'Crossrail', as it is contained in the present 'Crossrail Bill' in the UK House of Commons, is the right answer to the transport needs of London is a lie. Crossrail has never been the answer. Most serious students of economics have rejected the plug that Crossrail is the panacea, which Ken Livingstone has been claiming it to be. Crossrail is ill thought out .
It is wasteful already as a typical Ken Livingstone-indulging g stunt at extra cost to ordinary people in London. The craze that Livingstone is undergoing for Crossrail will explode in his face when it is shown up for the con that it is. Livingstone is not behaving rationally on this. What a comment on a man who has made a career at the expense of the people of London by claiming to be rational. The waste of money Livingstone typifies must be stopped. Ordinary people of and in London can’t wait to be able to have our say on platforms that the bureaucratized office of mayor is automatically granted.”

From AADHIKARonline previous editions
Breaking news: Which ‘Respect’ Councillor on Tower Hamlets Council is due to leave the G Galloway ‘party’ next? – Another AADHIKARonline exclusive report due here soon
AADHIKARonline reporting on SHADWELL – Part 5
The results of the Shadwell ward council by-election held yesterday [Thursday 9 August 2007] in the East End borough of Tower Hamlets were announced at around 0100 Hrs UK time. Those results were first commented on by Muhammad Haque on AADHIKARonline. the results will never be accurately reported by any the known news source other than by AADHIKARonline. This is based on the evidence of the past years, decades. In the case of the Shadwell Ward, the formal grouping entered in all the official forms will report the outcome from their own grouping's standpoint. The ‘winner’ will be glowingly described by the current ‘RESPECT’ grouping and by their political feeder organisation the SWP. The ‘loser’ will be painted as a valiant campaigner by the Blaired Party. The third and the fourth places-takers, the Tories and the Lib Dems, will parade their own lines. NONE of the outlets or outfits will acknowledge the truth – which is that the place Shadwell and the people there who have now made Harun Miah a councillor, are and have been in dire need of very good services from the local Tower Hamlets Council. That task of telling the truth will have to be discharged by AADHIKARonline. Not even the so-called non-party political ‘local press’, typified by the ‘East London Idiotiser’ will approach the point of telling the truth. Being the trash tabloid paper that it essentially is [except for the odd and the authentic views actually expressed by people who write in] , the ‘East London Idiotiser’ will concentrate on deviations diversions and spin…
.[To be continued]
View [click] here the Muhammad Haque [first part] commentary published at 0140 Hrs GMT Friday 10 August 2007 within two hours after the Shadwell ward by election results were announced
The racist 'East London Idiotiser' is damaging the interests of the UK Bangladeshis who have been robbed of their money by the crooks operating via 'First Solution' as their perpetrating front - Just how the racist East London Idiotiser has been causing the damage will be detailed in the first of a series of reports we have compiled based on the inquiries we have carried out into the activities of the 'George Galloway provisional fan club' that has been being run from the Idiotiser base at the Cambridge Heath Road - here soon
The 'East London Apartheider' has again got the facts and the politics wrong about Tower Hamlets as it promotes, in the past 70 minutes on its web site the racist and reactionary Tory candidate who got about 400 votes at Thursday’s [09.08.2007] Shadwell ward by-election. How has the East London Apartheider shown its error or rather its wanton racist propensity ? - We catalogue the ‘East London Apartheider’s’ violations of the truth as far as the people of and in the East End of London are concerned - here, soon
Khoodeelaar! Tells Crossrail hole-inviting controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council – SAY NO to Crossrail hole plot NOW or face court actions that we have been preparing against you for the past 43 months –
Follow up reports on Shadwell signals against Crossrail hole inviters. To be filed here during Friday 10 August 2007

Khoodeelaar! exclusive video interview with Carole Swords minutes before she was arrested at Shadwell on 9 August 2007 – coming here during Friday 10 August 2007


From Thursday’s [9 August 2007] editions of AADHIKARonline [up to 15th editions]
Breaking news and commentary from SHADWELL ward council by-election to the Crossrail-hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council
The Muhammad Haque daily world ‘constitutional’ commentary 1930 Hrs GMT London Thursday 9 August 2007
Shady goings on in Shadwell!
Today’s by-election for a single Council ward seat [inner cities borough of Tower Hamlets, which contains in it some of the UK’s most deprived areas that are now the subject of a programme of massive takeover and degeneration onslaught by Big Business using the London mayor Ken Livingstone and a pliant controlling clique on the same Tower Hamlets Council] vacated by a recent resignation has taken place in a quite unusual way. Hundreds of people, almost ALL of them belonging to what I call the ‘UK Bangladeshi community’, travelled to the Bigland Street [off the Cannon Street Road off the Commercial Road which runs parallel to the Whitechapel Road London E1] to show support to their respective grouping. Note my word here! I have said ‘grouping’. NOT ‘party’. Yet the ‘parties’ are the only identity tags allowed on the ballot paper and accommodating election literature. Just how the ‘grouping’ rather than the ‘Party’ has become paramount reference point became clear when one ardent carrier of the Blaired [Ooops! the former Labour] Party 'election literature' explained to me about their 'candidate' at the by-election: "He has been in politics a while and he has made it his trade to make deals. So many deals has he been involved in making that he has now lost track of which deals are his and which deals are enforced on him by his punters. He is almost lost, if not quote lost!” Another one, who has just announced his own departure from the former Labour Party and out and about in Shadwell for the George Galloway party candidate agreed that to the former Labour party candidate, ‘deals’ have become like drugs! Put the two elements together and you are able to see a scenario that the two words ‘drug dealer’ help conjure up. Given that Shadwell is recognised by ALL - including by the candidate put up on behalf of the former Labour Party – to be one of the most deprived such areas in all of the UK, the analytically conjured up scenario of a ‘drugs dealer’ managing to become the candidate for one of the numerically main ‘parties’ seeking the voters’ mandate pretty well sums up what has been going on in the area under the Blairing policies followed by the Tower Hamlets Council over the past ten years. Immediately opposite the end of the Bigland Street [eastwards] is an almost completed high rise building bearing the signboard: affordable housing! Every single person outside the Shadwell polling station that I described that signboard to, it was anathema to the area. Nobody in the area could afford any of these homes! People around Shadwell simply do not have that kind of money. In many cases, no money at all. So with the onset of the high rise blocks will be the arrival of outsiders who CAN afford the flats. That those will come will mean the local people will have to move out of THEIR overcrowded, under-maintained places...…. This open DEGENERATION of Shadwell has been one of the main ‘achievements’ of the Blairing agenda with which today’s candidate for the Blairing party has been centrally associated. He is also the one who played the decisive parts in BRINGING the Crossrail hole problems and threats against the East End of London. [To be continued]
Click HERE to view the first news reported by Muhammad Haque carried by AADHIKARonline and Indymedia UK at 1620 Hrs GMT Thursday 9 August 2007


By Muhammad Haque [version updated at 2000] [first version written and published at] 0355 Hrs GMT London 9 August 2007
Khoodeelaar! instant dissection of the lies for CRASSrail hole plot being retailed via the ‘mainstream’ media in the UK today [Thursday 9 August 2007]
The Lying ’East London Idiotiser’ has published a second plug for the CRASSrail hole plot. This time, the Idiotiser is evidently sucking up to the lying corrupter of London, Ken Livingstone whose contrived photo is given a touching space in the Idiotiser plug. Ike the previous one, which appeared only a few weeks earlier, this plug for CRASSrail in the Idiotiser is not by-lined. Which means that Ar**-stench, the new owners of the Idiotiser, are sucking up to the Big Business tout Livingstone and the piece has nothing whatever to do with any original event. Which is the point. Contrast this with the lying Idiotiser's failure [nay, their RACIST refusal] to report the facts of the hundreds of street actions and the thousands of pages of original documentary analysis and representations against CrossRail that the Khoodeelaar! movement has been holding and submitting throughout the year, every year since 31 January 2004.... That is, the Idiotiser has on purpose failed or refused to tell the 'readers' about at least 170 news events and statements and documents that it should have done about the undesirability, the unacceptability, the wastefulness of CrossRail.....
[To be continued]
BBC News 24 and their ethnic surrogate decorational presenter Manisha Tank tries to plug for the liar Ken Crossrail hole plotter Livingstone but she fails. Manisha Tank was immersed in self-induced idiocy early this morning as she made a delayed bid to join the crooked bandwagon for Crossrail hole Bill by blaming the BAA and the Heathrow airport. Just as had been done over the past two months by the liars on the EVENING STANDARD and moist recently by the FT, the Guardian and the Times. Manisha Tank – who is one of the most amoral mental slaves plugging the racist imperialists' cause on BBC News 24 ‘business’ slot, just happens to be involved in the side business for Asian Surrogates of racism called Asians in the Media. These mental slaves to racist imperialism are empty of content and bereft of morality and denuded of all ethics and sense. They are among the patronised bands of pro-imperialist, pro-racist fabricators who aid and abet the criminal suppression of the rights of a peoples and communities whose human rights are constantly violated by the BBC and via other comparable media propaganda outfits and forces. Manisha tank was exposed as mental BLANK this morning by a rather knowledgeable interviewee who knew about international air ports, about air transport and about aviation economics. None of which seem to be areas that Menasha’s BLANK mind has hitherto ventured into… [To be continued]
The ingrained dishonesty, ignorance and the propensity to divert away from the central aspect of the issue concerned in any matter ‘reported’ via the East London Idiotiser which I analysed and published shortly before 5 this morning [that is 0400 Hrs GMT] have come into exhibition again with the print edition of the weekly title being available in the newsagents after 6 AM.
The contents show just how very important it is to organise campaigns in defence of vital rights affecting the people in the East End of London and how crucial it is to recognise that the tabloid trash title the East London Idiotiser will never change from being the trash diverting irrelevant profit-seeking commercial operation that it has always been. The Idiotiser [Thursday 9 August 2007] carries items and displays which warrant immediate comments and denunciation. So that there is no illusion on the record that the Idiotiser has any claim to be serving the information needs and the right to freedom of expression of the people of the East End area it circulates in and trades at the expense of…

AADHIKARonline comments on the two items of racist diversion by the racistly-edited East London Idiotiser are scheduled to appear on this and associated web sites from 1500 Hrs GMT today [Thursday 9 August 2007]
The Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole plot and in defence of the East End of London is also the campaign against the corrosive ignorance and the pervasive distortion and the corrupting racism of the only ‘local paper’ the East London Idiotiser
The Khoodeelaar! campaign against the Crossrail hole assault on the East End of London is also a campaign against the corrupt controlling clique on the Crossrail hole-inviting local Tower Hamlets Council. Khoodeelaar! has been exposing the crassness of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ in a now nearly 4 year long battle against contradictions, unconstitutionality, breaches of the principles of legality that the UK Government fronted by Tony Blair had been claiming to be respectful to. Khoodeelaar! has had to carry out extensive research and analysis to identify the gross ignorance of the subject on the parts of the elected holders of positions locally [Tower Hamlets], regional [London wide] and in the UK House of Commons. Khoodeelaar! has demonstrated over the past 43 months of campaign just how total is the idiocies of the ‘local newspaper’ the ‘East London Idiotiser’. Time and again the Idiotiser has carried stuff which are utterly untrue. It is vital to point out the untruth and the untruthful contents in the ‘only local paper’ the Idiotiser. Because of the Khoodeelaar! work in identifying the idiocies of the Idiotiser, the title has undergone change. But not in the way that the East End people need. The change has been from one pattern idiocy, irrelevance, diversion, distortion and lying to a different set and pattern of those. Whereas over the previous 50 years [in context] until 2004 the Idiotiser was stinkingly racist, since our intervention [which will be updated starting this evening – Thursday 9 August 2007], the Idiotiser has changed proprietorship and the bulk of the known ‘editorial’ elements that was in place up to 2004 has been replaced. But the habitually ingrained ignorance, idiocy and the inordinate intolerance of the truth that were on display in the ‘journalism’ of the Idiotiser before have remained. The result is that the defence of the East End cannot be even inferred from the contents of the Idiotiser. It is crassly irrelevant and damagingly inaccurate. It has no affinity with the campaigning ethics for the community. It is a tabloid trash paper that is kept in business because there is no competition. The lack of competition to the Idiotiser is not a mark of the Idiotiser's ‘quality’. We shall update on the record of the particular attempt to set up an alternative to this grossly idiotising perniciously racist and totally corrupting local paper, here soon


By©Muhammad Haque
1910 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 89 August 2007 Why have I been calling the London FT, the Guardian and ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone and their colluder in the offence of lying recklessly the ‘London EVENING no standards STANDARD’ liars whenever they have been peddling the London Crossrail hole plot?
The immediate answer is: for they have BEEN lying.
And their lying is seen in what?
In the assertions that they make about Crossrail.
In the ‘reason/s’ that they give for CrossRail. CLICK HERE to View the new series of the Muhammad Haque daily commentary which is now updating the examination of the Crossrail hole lies being peddled by the Big Business touts including Ken Livingstone and his colluders in the so-called British quality press.


What difference to the lives of the people of the Shadwell ward in the East End of London will be made as a result of the [formally declared and clear] outcome of the by-election being held there tomorrow? Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area campaign against CrossRail hole and the campaign against the Crossrail hole-inviter corrupt clique on Tower Hamlets Council, has a particular perspective on what difference had already been made, for the worse, by the role played by one of the candidates seeking election tomorrow. In preparation of a full-scale commentary and evidence on the role of that candidate as well as the alleged alternatives on offer by the Conservative Party, the Lib Dems and the George Galloway grouping calling themselves RESPECT, we publish the first part of the commentary now. The linked piece has a few spelling errors which will be corrected in later parts and editions
View one part of today’s Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary, focusing on the much-touted about ‘possible’ [some say, ‘inevitable’!] ‘return’ to the tower hamlets council of the CrossRail hole-inviter. ‘former’ ‘leader’ of that Blaired Council, Michael Keith as a [possible] result of the SHADWELL ward by-election scheduled to be held on Thursday 9 August 2007


By Muhammad Haque

CORRUPTION and lies by Crossrail hole-imposer ‘undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone and the Big Business propaganda rags ‘Evening Standard’ and the London FT

0500 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 8 August 2007
At the heart of the latest corrupting propaganda for London Crossrail scam that ‘Undone Mayor’ Ken Lyingstill Livingstone is participating in with the aid of the Big Business-aligned ‘financial press’ is a persistent manifesto of lies. They are also immoral. Unethical. Illogical. There is no reason economically in their arguments for Crossrail. There is no sense in their jumping from one premise to the contradictory next. So the only logical conclusion must be, can be that the reason why the unreasonable promoters and pluggers of Crossrail go on plugging it must be to do with their being outlets and organs that are themselves controlled by Big Business. It is Big Business that wants to have the £Billions of UK Government cash for the huge construction budget that CrossRail will become. Once that money is agreed, the Big conglomerates will be free to loot the treasury…. The cover for the robbery is of courser ‘easing transport in London by building Crossrail'. But this does not fit logically with the existing transport provisions. Or with the actual economic demand – lack of demand- in most of the East End of London for Crossrail. We publish here the evidence of one crazy plugger for Crossrail. In the course of the day today, Wednesday 8 August 2007, we shall examine each and every component of the illogical pluggers for CrossRail and show how Ken Livingstone is lying for Big Business and against the interests of ordinary London peopleView a typical plug for Crassrail logicality and contradictions which are being indulged in by the irrational promoters and touts for Crossrail

KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole-inviter Tower Hamlets Council – updated summary of demands put to the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council by Khoodeelaar! over the past 43 months
Khoodeelaar! Constitutional law action updated notice to Ruth Kelly, the ‘present’ Crossrail hole Bill minister in the Gordon Brown administration
The updated Khoodeelaar! Legal questions to Alistair Darling follow Muhammad Haque’s latest multi-disciplined and contextual analysis of the seriously flawed Crossrail hole project against the background of the present weaknesses in the UK economy, the UK transport system and the UK social disparities as published by the Times newspaper in July and is going to incorporate the Khoodeelaar! Analysis of the Rod Eddington Report and focus on this week’s irrationality and irresponsibility on the part of the Crossrail hole plotters and their touts as being witnessed in the fanatical invocation of ‘Crossrail’ in the ‘business press’ and in the London EVENING ‘no standards’ STANDARD – more here soon
Khoodeelaar! Original constitutional law questions and demands to Alistair Darling, who was in post as secretary of state at the UK [central government] Department for transport in march 2006 when the then finalized programme of Khoodeelaar! Court actions were due to start – the Khoodeelaar! Court actions were postponed when Alistair Darling along with his colluder on Crossrail hole plot Ken Livingstone, staged a dramatic about turn and dropped 75% of the then Crossrail hole that they had planned to dig in the Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Stepney London E1 Area.
That still left 25% of the same hole threat hanging over the heads of the people in the area. It is the facts and the implications of that remainder of the Crossrail hole assault that the campaign has been active about since 26 March 2006. More about the actual technical details shortly
What role have the ‘ethnicity linked’ ‘news media’ especially those that claim to be about the UK Bangladeshi community, been playing in shielding the perpetrators of the theft of the UK Bangladeshis’ money via ‘First Solution’?
Why have the ‘Bangla language’ titles [‘weeklies’] especially ‘Euro Bangla’, “Potrika’ and ‘Bangla Post’ been publishing the anodyne items about “First Solution’ in their main ‘news’ pieces? And what ‘deal’ has been made between “Bangla TV’ and some of their ‘targets’ in the past four weeks,. That has meant that ‘Bangla TV is not broadcasting the sort of ‘news’ and ‘comments’ about the theft of the people’s money via ‘First Solution’ that it [‘Bangla TV’] had been broadcasting until last Friday ?
Is the ‘local MP’ for ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’ [George Galloway] anywhere near getting a satisfactory and just inquiry by Ofcom into the role of any ‘ethnicity linked’ TV channel [albeit the/se channel/s is/are actually broadcast via the Sky satellite network]? – More here soon

Muhammad Haque dissects the latest Crossrail hole plotting lies by Ken Livingstone. The Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole organiser tells Gordon Brown [and Alistair ‘low profile’ Darling] and Ruth Kelly to call Ken Livingstone's bluff and to scrap Crossrail - CLICK HERE to view the latest edition of AADHIKARonline published in association with CBRUK and the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail hole plot